Same team, dude...

Of all the toddler-stages I've been thrown into thus far, one tops the list as my most...hated? I can't say that in reference to My Precious, can I? OK, it's the most aggravating stage thus far. I'm talking about the great chase-me-to-get-me-to-eat phase. As a woman who appreciates food a little too much, I cannot understand why Barrett would rather expend all his energy avoiding food at dinner-time, rather than chowing down on his mother's delicious cuisine. It has come to the point where I dread preparing food at breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I know that the picture in my head of a happy family sitting at the table will give way to the reality of Bear making laps AROUND the table...with Grant and I desperately clapping like lunatics if he happens to put one bite of food in his mouth. Insanity. Oh, just put him in his high chair, you say? Negative, good buddy. The moment I strap Barrett into his high chair, wild banshee screams become the soundtrack to our meals and I do not have the body-type that can afford to stress-eat.

My "solution" to Barrett's make-me-eat phase will probably have lots of moms cringing. I drag his pint-sized table and chairs in front of the TV, turn on Dora, and let the kid zone out while slipping his plate in front of him. Miracle of miracles, he eats...without a fight! Grant and I get to enjoy a scream-free dinner and everyone walks away happy. Do I think this phase will last forever? Nope. Am I worried about having a  sixteen-year-old son hunched over a tiny table for meals while parked in front of the TV? Not on your life. I have just adopted the pick-your-toddler-battles attitude. The issues that are important enough to Bear's growth and welfare, I stay firm on and duke out. Then there are the things that just don't seem worth it. If I can get Barrett to eat in a way that leaves me not shouting at him every night and creates a more peaceful home, I'm all for it. I'm finding that happy balance for our home.

This leads me to a very important point. Moms everywhere are trying to find this precious balance in their homes each day. Whether we're pulling out our hair over bed-times, pacifiers, limiting TV time, or how many times you can hit Chick-fil-A in one week, all moms are working to keep their heads above water. Yet there is an epidemic blanketing our community. Instead of swimming up alongside of our fellow mamas and shouting words of encouragement, we are holding each other under water. We are crucifying the mom next door because she works a full-time job. We raise our eyebrows at the friend who home schools. We cluck like hens to our husbands about the lady at church who is STILL BREASTFEEDING...or never breastfed! You. Can't. Win. My word, girls, we are tearing down the very community we need to survive as moms! You do not have to approve of my new meal-time method. I do not expect you to go home and try it on your kids. All I need is for you to laugh with me and encourage me to keep truck'n. I'm doing my job in the way that best fits my family, my child's needs, and my sanity. If you can say the same at the end of each day, you've got my full support! The next time you're tempted to purse your lips and gossip about how a mom is doing this thing called motherhood (let's be real, we're all guilty), give yourself a time-out and remember that we are all on the same team.


  1. So true. We all need to be reminded of that from time to time! Also, I think your solution is great. I was re-reading an old blog I wrote when Hazel was a few months old about how I tried to keep her up so we could have a family dinner together but she was too tired, and I was asking advice...anyway, a seasoned mom said as gently as possible, if you found a way to enjoy dinner with your husband, do it. Sounds like y'all did! (although picturing you and Grant applauding Barrett's every bite is pretty funny!)


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