The Sisterhood of Dirty Yoga Pants...Where It All Began
So, let's recap. In the first post of the series, you discovered that your entire way of life is a tower of lies and that we can see right through to the girl who eats peanut butter-covered marshmallows in her closet to avoid crying. (No one then? Just me?) But in all seriousness, I had this idea. I wanted to create a safe place where moms could share their embarrassing realities in an effort to encourage each other. Enough with the mom-shaming, enough with the sideways looks. More of the "I've totally done that!" and less of, "Can you believe her?" I'm over it. The enmity we've created among each other has got to stop. Perhaps we can find common ground in humor, because let's face it, we all have some hysterical material.
The story that inspired this epiphany happened just a few weeks ago. I was talking to a friend as we were walking out of a moms group get-together. For once, I was actually sporting an outfit that didn't require a sports bra. My friend was keeping it real, however, wearing the usual mom ensemble of spandex and running shoes. I asked if my friend, we'll call her "K", had already been to the gym that morning. (I find applauding those who make it to the gym gives me a kind of good workout karma. I may not darken the gym door myself, but cheering on others somehow makes my thighs feel thinner.) K informed me that she hadn't, in fact, been to the gym that morning. Then, lowering her voice, she confided in me her dark secret. "I was actually wearing this entire outfit last night while talking to my neighbor. I even slept in these clothes. Then this morning, my neighbor shows up here! She saw me in the exact same clothes as the last time I talked to her."
Oh friends, you cannot even imagine my glee upon hearing this story. First of all, I so loved K for owning up to the nitty gritty. Her evening had clearly entailed a race against time. Don't chance taking off your's less time you'll have to sleep before the baby wakes up to eat. There's no time! Go! Go! And I adored the fact that K didn't take herself too seriously. She could see the humor in the situation. (And this is why God made Bath & Body deliciousness. Covers up the mom scent.) This should be a goal for each of us as moms. Find the funny stuff in our day, laugh, and share. Can you imagine how much less judging and snark there'd be if we were all laughing together? What a fun place...that's the world I want to live in. Care to join?
Up next...I begin to share your stories. And they are so wonderfully bad!
The story that inspired this epiphany happened just a few weeks ago. I was talking to a friend as we were walking out of a moms group get-together. For once, I was actually sporting an outfit that didn't require a sports bra. My friend was keeping it real, however, wearing the usual mom ensemble of spandex and running shoes. I asked if my friend, we'll call her "K", had already been to the gym that morning. (I find applauding those who make it to the gym gives me a kind of good workout karma. I may not darken the gym door myself, but cheering on others somehow makes my thighs feel thinner.) K informed me that she hadn't, in fact, been to the gym that morning. Then, lowering her voice, she confided in me her dark secret. "I was actually wearing this entire outfit last night while talking to my neighbor. I even slept in these clothes. Then this morning, my neighbor shows up here! She saw me in the exact same clothes as the last time I talked to her."
Oh friends, you cannot even imagine my glee upon hearing this story. First of all, I so loved K for owning up to the nitty gritty. Her evening had clearly entailed a race against time. Don't chance taking off your's less time you'll have to sleep before the baby wakes up to eat. There's no time! Go! Go! And I adored the fact that K didn't take herself too seriously. She could see the humor in the situation. (And this is why God made Bath & Body deliciousness. Covers up the mom scent.) This should be a goal for each of us as moms. Find the funny stuff in our day, laugh, and share. Can you imagine how much less judging and snark there'd be if we were all laughing together? What a fun place...that's the world I want to live in. Care to join?
Up next...I begin to share your stories. And they are so wonderfully bad!
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