Your Mom Has Big Thighs
I don’t know about you, but I can count on car rides to be the setting for some rather interesting conversations between my kids and I. “Mom, what’s cancer?” “Mom, why do old people wear diapers?” Heaven help me. The topics are endless. They range from deep to embarrassing to confounding. They also seem to come out of left field and even if we’re driving five minutes down the road, I need to be prepared for anything mentally. This week’s car ride was no different, but took a…ahem…personal turn. “Mom, when you were helping in my class yesterday, my friend said you had big thighs.” For the sake of transparency, I’ll keep it real here. My very first thought was something to the effect of, “That little kindergarten s@%&”. No, I’m not proud of it. But since I couldn’t say anything nice, I did a phenomenal job of not saying anything at all. After a few seconds of deep-breathing, my other child ...